Saturday, 18 August 2007

Come On Investors!

Spill the beans now people what is your best ever return from an investment and whats your worst ever loss/not very good returns from an investment?

My best returns from an investment was a total of 300% raise in 5 years of holding a very high risk unit trust with £30,000 invested took £90,000 back, And i think £60,000 profit from one investment in 5 years is pretty dam cool dont you?

My worst returns/loss was i got scammed for £10,000 i brought shares from a boilder room by mistake and 6 months latter when i wanted to sell they disappeard. To stay clear from this happening to yo u if a broker rings you up on a cold cool just ask them for a direct line number, as if there in spain or where ever they wont be able to give you this!

So come on people get replying to this one i want to hear from you!

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